While only a few years old, Seoul kindergarten is already is opening a second campus this fall. Our Seoul campus uses the same curriculum as our LA elementary school, which is ranked in the top 6% in the US. Children are trained by a diverse group of highly qualified educators, and learn character development, spelling, handwriting, phonics and language, math, reading, art, PE, computers, music, science, and social studies. Instruction includes both teacher led instruction and activity centers. Curriculum includes purposeful design, houghton mifflin harcourt, mcGraw hill, pearson, abeka, mother goose time, kids sparkz, lake shore, positive action, changing lives, and zaner bloser. Instruction is standards based and developmentally appropriate, with clearly assessed mastery objectives for each child in each subject area. We value parents as key partners in their child’s education, and maintain communication through online kids notes, monday packets, newsletters and parent teacher conferences. Our elementary principal visits twice a year to visit with parents, teachers, and students and train teachers.